Estate planning is one of those things that almost no one thinks about until the worst happens. Be prepared for the future, and keep your loved ones advised as to your wishes and considerations.
A Last Will and Testament shall ensure that your estate is disbursed according to YOUR plans. We can tailor the will to your exact specifications and bequests, from leaving a certain piece of jewelry to a loved one, giving a donation to charity or setting up a fund to care for your pets. You can rest assured that your wishes will be carried out by the executor of your will and know that your estate has been left in good hands. This also eases the burden of your family during their time of grieving, as there are no questions about how to distribute your property.
A Power of Attorney for Health Care (or a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order) specifies what decisions should be made for your care in the event you are unable to make those decisions if injured. Hospitals and physicians are required to follow the directives as to the health care measures that you dictate in your Power of Attorney for Health Care. You may want limited treatment in case of an accident, or you may want more rigorous actions taken. Your family may not be able to guess what procedures you want followed, and a Power of Attorney will answer those questions and allow your family to have some peace of mind during a stressful time.
A Durable Power of Attorney will allow you to assign your legal decision making ability to your attorney-in-fact during any time periods when you are unable to make choices with respect to your legal rights concerning your property. Your attorney-in-fact can act on your behalf to conduct real estate transactions, execute business contracts, handle financial issues, and the like. In the event that you become incapacitated, your business affairs will be dealt with by your chosen attorney-in-fact and your estate will be protected.